Hey there! I'm Susan Sullivan, a gaming journalist with a penchant for discovering hidden virtual realms. Armed with a keyboard and an insatiable curiosity, I...

Guide to Weapon Forging in Destiny 2 Black Armory

Unlocking The Forge: A Guide To Weapon Forging In Destiny 2’s Black Armory

Welcome to my guide on unlocking the Forge in Destiny 2‘s Black Armory! If you’re here, it means the secrets of this ancient weapon-forging technology have caught your attention. As a veteran video game guide writer, I’m excited to let you in on all the tips and tricks that will help you make use of this powerful tool.

The first step is understanding what exactly the Forge is – and why so many people are interested in using its power. The Forge is an ancient machine capable of crafting weapons from raw materials found throughout Destiny 2’s world. It uses mysterious techniques which haven’t been seen since before the Collapse wiped out much of humanity’s knowledge. In short, it gives players access to powerful weaponry they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get their hands on!

In the following sections, I’ll take you through everything you need to know about unlocking the Forge and how best to use it for maximum benefit when playing Destiny 2: Black Armory. So what are we waiting for? Let’s dive right into unlocking this mystery!

Overview Of The Black Armory

If you’ve been playing Destiny 2, then the words “Black Armory” might already be familiar to you. This is an expansion that was released in 2018 with a focus on weapon forging and customization. It’s a huge part of what makes Destiny 2 so unique and exciting! But for those who are new to this game mode, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how exactly to start armory forging and unlocking all its secrets. So let’s take a closer look at what the Black Armory has to offer – from the requirements needed to unlock the forge, to the weapons available after completing certain tasks.

The Black Armory is full of mysteries. Its main draw is unlocking powerful weapons and armor through weapon forging using resources found throughout Destiny 2’s world. You’ll need materials like Glimmer, Legendary Shards, Mod Components, Enhancement Cores, as well as other items found in specific activities or missions across different planets within the solar system. Once you have all these components gathered up, you’re ready to access the Forge and begin your journey towards creating legendary armory weapons!

Requirements To Unlock The Forge

Now that you know the basics of the Black Armory, let’s go into what it takes to unlock the forge and begin weapon forging. You’ll need a few things before you can access this powerful tool. Firstly, you must have completed all 8 main story missions in Destiny 2 and achieved Power Level 600 or higher. Secondly, you’ll need to acquire 4 keys from Ada-1 – Volundr Forge Key, Gofannon Forge Key, Izanami Forge Key and Bergusia Forge Key. These will be obtained by completing various objectives throughout the game such as defeating enemies with specific weapons or getting certain kills in different activities. Finally, you’ll also need to gather some special materials for forging weapons like Hadium Flakes and Radiant Seeds, which are found in random loot drops around the world or through grinding activities like Strikes and Crucible matches. With these requirements met, you’re ready to start your forge journey!

Steps For Forging A Weapon

Forging weapons in Destiny 2’s Black Armory can be an intimidating process, but with the right knowledge and preparation it can become much easier. To start weapon forging you’ll need to make sure that all of your forge steps are complete – this includes collecting enough forge materials from around the world for each weapon as well as unlocking any additional components needed to successfully craft a weapon. Once these steps have been completed, you’re ready to begin forging weapons in the armory.

To get started, select a Forge Weapon recipe from the Armory kiosk and place its required components into the Forge slot. Then press and hold X on your controller until the Forge begins producing sparks; once they’ve stopped sparking, release X to initiate weapon crafting. The next step is to wait for your forged item to appear in the center of the armory – when it does, collect it! With that done, you now have a fully-crafted weapon at your disposal and can use it however you’d like. Now let’s look at what materials are necessary for successful weapon forging.

Materials Needed For Weapon Forging

Now that you’re ready to get started on your weapon forging journey, let’s take a look at what materials and supplies you’ll need. First off, it’s important to know the different types of forge components required for each type of weapon. You’ll need a combination of three specific weapon materials, forge ingredients, tools, and other forge supplies.

The most common weapon material used in Destiny 2 is SIVA clusters – these are found throughout the game world but can also be purchased from vendors or acquired through completing bounties or patrol missions. Forge ingredients vary depending on the type of item being forged; they typically come in the form of upgrade modules or rare metals. Tools like hammers and anvils are necessary in order to complete any successful forging process, so make sure to stock up before beginning work on a new item. Lastly, certain forge supplies such as refined Ether will help ensure your results are top-notch! Now that we’ve gone over some of the basics for gathering all the right materials needed for forging weapons in Black Armory, let’s move on to discussing the types of weapons available…

Types Of Weapons Available

The Black Armory offers a wide variety of weapons for you to forge. Whether it’s a powerful Pulse Rifle or an Auto Rifle that can make quick work of your enemies, there is something here for everyone. As an example, let’s take a look at the Hand Cannon: this highly sought-after weapon packs quite a punch and has great range too. Then there are Rocket Launchers such as The Jade Rabbit which come with special perks like increased blast radius and faster reload speed. Last but not least we have Scout Rifles like The Chaperone – perfect for mid-to-long range combat and even better when coupled with its unique perk of extra damage on headshots.

Each type of weapon comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages so choosing the right one depends entirely on your playstyle and preferences. So now that you know what types of weapons are available in the Black Armory, let’s move onto exploring the advantages of forging weapons in Destiny 2!

Advantages Of Forging Weapons

Now that we’ve gone over the different types of weapons available for forging in Destiny 2’s Black Armory, let’s explore some of the advantages. Weapon forging can be a great way to enhance your character and make them more powerful. Here are three key benefits:

  • Increased Power Level – By taking advantage of weapon frames and parts from Forge activities, players can increase their overall power level quickly by upscaling new or existing weapons.
  • Access to Special Weapons – Forging weapons also gives you access to special Legendary and Exotic weapons which cannot be found anywhere else in the game. These rare items will give you an edge when it comes to tackling challenging missions!
  • Enhance your Arsenal – Not only do forged weapons provide added bonuses such as improved stats or additional perks, but they also allow you to customize your loadout with unique appearances and energy types.

These are just some of the many advantages of forging weapons in Destiny 2’s Black Armory. In our next section, we’ll discuss challenges and tips for successful weapon forging so stay tuned!

Challenges And Tips For Successful Weapon Forging

Forging weapons in Destiny 2’s Black Armory can be a daunting task, but with the right tips and tricks it is possible to unlock the forge. There are several challenges that must be overcome when forging weapons; however, they are not insurmountable. To successfully forge a weapon, you’ll need to gather all of the necessary weapon materials as well as have an understanding of how the different forge-challenges work.

The first step towards successful weapon-forging is gathering all of the required materials. This includes completing Forge Ignitions and acquiring upgrade cores from enemy combatants or through decrypting engrams. Make sure to collect enough of each material before heading into the forge since running out during a challenge could cost valuable time! Additionally, take time to familiarize yourself with each forge-challenge so that you know what tactics and strategies will give you success while inside the forges. Utilizing your knowledge of these challenges along with some luck should help ensure successful-forging!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Forge A Weapon?

Forging a weapon in Destiny 2’s Black Armory can seem like an intimidating process, but with the right knowledge it doesn’t have to be. To help you out, here is what you need to know about the time needed for forging weapons:

  1. It all depends on the type of forge that you are using and your level of proficiency at weapon crafting.
  2. Generally speaking, most players will spend around two hours completing their first forge process within the Black Armory.
  3. As you become more experienced with forging weapons, this timeframe can decrease significantly; some experts have been known to complete a weave in under thirty minutes!

The key takeaway from weapon forging in Destiny 2 is patience- while it may take longer than expected initially, practice makes perfect when it comes to honing your skills and becoming proficient at this activity within the game. With enough dedication and persistence, finally achieving success after several attempts gives a great sense of accomplishment!

Are There Any Special Requirements To Use The Forge?

Using the Forge in Destiny 2’s Black Armory is an essential part of weapon forging, but there are some special requirements you must meet to access it. From forge prerequisites and limitations to accessing its use, let’s break down what you need to know:

  1. You must have obtained at least one key from Ada-1 before being able to unlock any of the forges.
  2. Completing certain quests or activities may be required in order to progress your level and gain access to additional forges.
  3. Each forge will require a small number of components that can be collected by disassembling weapons or completing various objectives throughout the game.
  4. Only then will you be able to open up the forge menu and start crafting new weapons!

Forging weapons requires dedication and time, so having all these special requirements might seem daunting, but don’t worry – once you get started it won’t take long until you become a master blacksmith! Just remember each step along the way; obtain a key from Ada-1, complete necessary objectives, collect components, and finally open up the forge menu – easy as pie! With hard work and dedication, unlocking the Forge in Destiny 2’s Black Armory will soon become second nature.

Can I Forge Weapons Using Any Type Of Material?

Weapon forging can be done with almost any type of material, as long as the forge components list is followed. When it comes to weapon forging materials, there are some particular requirements that need to be met in order for a successful forge:

  • Forge Material Types – A variety of materials can be used for forging weapons such as Glimmer, Ascendant Shards, and various forms of Elemental Sources.
  • Material Requirements – Certain types of materials require specific amounts when using them at the forge. This will vary depending on the weapon you’re trying to craft.
  • Forging Components – Each item crafted through the forge has its own set of components needed in order to successfully create the weapon. The exact ingredients depend upon what kind of weapon you want to make so it’s important to have all your components before beginning work.
  • Forge Components List – There is an extensive list available online which details exactly what components are required for each weapon being forged at the Black Armory. It’s worth consulting this list if you’re unsure about which items should go into your final product.

In addition, certain conditions must also be met in order for a successful forge; factors like temperature and pressure play an important role in crafting powerful weaponry. Make sure you understand how these elements interact with one another and how they affect your ability to produce quality results from the forge!

Is There A Limit To How Many Weapons I Can Forge At Once?

It’s time to answer the big question – is there a limit on how many weapons you can forge at once? Well, we hate to break it to you, but yes, unfortunately there is. You may be dreaming of forging an arsenal of powerful weapons with just one go – and while that would certainly make things easier for us all – it isn’t possible in Destiny 2’s Black Armory.

But don’t worry! There are still plenty of ways to get your hands on some awesome gear. For starters, each weapon-forging requires specific materials which must be collected before any work can begin. Plus, fulfilling the forge requirements will reward you with helpful resources such as weapon parts and rare item drops. With these rewards in hand, you’ll have everything you need to craft multiple weapons over the course of several sessions.

So keep up the hard work! While it might take longer than simply forging them all at once, slowly building up your armory by collecting different types of weapon-materials and grinding out those forge rewards will help ensure that you come out on top!

Are There Any Hidden Rewards For Forging Weapons?

Are you wondering if there are any hidden rewards for forging weapons in Destiny 2’s Black Armory? Well, the answer is yes! Weapon forging rewards can be found all throughout this part of the game. You’ll find special bonuses and even extra loot when completing certain weapon forging objectives.

The best way to discover these hidden forge rewards is by exploring each mission thoroughly. Look out for clues that may point to a reward behind an otherwise invisible wall or door. It might take some trial and error, but it will be worth it in the end. Plus, with every new weapon forged, you increase your arsenal and get closer to becoming a true master of the forge!

So don’t forget to keep an eye out while playing around in the Black Armory–you never know what kind of goodies you might stumble upon! Keep on forging those weapons and unlocking those secrets–the possibilities are endless!


In conclusion, forging weapons in Destiny 2’s Black Armory is a rewarding experience for many Guardians. With the right materials and some patience, you can create powerful weapons that will help you complete your mission. It may take a few tries to get it just right, but with practice comes mastery—there’s no better feeling than watching an amazing weapon emerge from the Forge after all of your hard work! So don’t be afraid to dive into this exciting new activity—it could prove to be a real game changer. As they say: “Strike while the iron is hot!” And forge yourself something legendary today.

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Susan Sullivan

Hey there! I’m Susan Sullivan, a gaming journalist with a penchant for discovering hidden virtual realms. Armed with a keyboard and an insatiable curiosity, I dive headfirst into pixelated landscapes, unearthing untold stories and weaving them into vivid narratives that transport readers to uncharted gaming territories. From unearthing forgotten Easter eggs to decoding complex game mechanics, I’m your go-to guide for all things gaming. With a cup of coffee always by my side, I embark on a quest to bring you the latest gaming scoop, unraveling virtual mysteries one pixel at a time. Join me on this epic adventure!

Hey there! I’m Susan Sullivan, a gaming journalist with a penchant for discovering hidden virtual realms. Armed with a keyboard and an insatiable curiosity, I dive headfirst into pixelated landscapes, unearthing untold stories and weaving them into vivid narratives that transport readers to uncharted gaming territories. From unearthing forgotten Easter eggs to decoding complex game mechanics, I’m your go-to guide for all things gaming. With a cup of coffee always by my side, I embark on a quest to bring you the latest gaming scoop, unraveling virtual mysteries one pixel at a time. Join me on this epic adventure!

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